EUBIA - European Biomass Industry Associatio
Energetic Engineer - Project Management and Bioenergy consultancy
Since 2011 Andrea Salimbeni works as project manager for the European Biomass Industry Association. He is currently representing EUBIA as project partner in European projects focused on the development of micro and macro algae at EU level. He published papers on Microalgae photobioreactor integration in Anaerobic digestion facility and he is currently investigating on microalgae potentials as feedstock for high value biofertilizer production. He is also responsible development and writing of new international and european projects focused on microalgae-based products. Since january 2015, he is creator and general manager of EUBREN, the European Biomass Research Network (www.eubren.com) Before the experience in EUBIA, Andrea works as journalist in Italy from 2008 to 2011. andrea.salimbeni@eubia.org

NUIG - National University of Ireland, IRELAND
Postdoctoral Researcher - Macroalgae biotechnology and large scale aquaculture
Benoit Queguineur was educated between France, Spain and Ireland, and currently holds post doctoral researcher position at the National University of Ireland, Galway under the INTERREG IVb ENALGAE project. His key area of expertise is macroalgae biotechnology and his research interests include the large-scale aquaculture of edible seaweeds (FP7 EU projects AQUAFUELS, ENALGAE), nutritional value of macroalgae, population dynamics (INTERREG IIIc Carrasea project), as well as environmental surveys. He is a regular speaker and contributor to International Seaweed Conferences and Roundtables.
ACRRES, Wageningen University, Wageningen, NETHERLANDS
Senior researcher - Agronomy, plant Protection and animal health, soil science
Dr van der Weidehas workedat ACRRES as a senjor researcher since 2010. Up until then, since 1992, she was thesenior researcher at Wageningen University in the field of Crop Protection and Agronomy. From 1987, for 23 years, she was theSenjor Weed scientist at Wageningen University and Research Centre. Her area of expertise includes: Sustainability, Biofuels, Climate Change, Environmental Awareness, Ecology, Sustainable Energy
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (KIT-ITAS), GERMANY
Head of the Research Unit Sustainability and Environment at KIT-ITAS
Dr Rösch studied Agricultural Biology at the University of Hohenheim and obtained a German university degree "Diplom" in Agricultural Biology 1987; In 1996 she obtained her PhD in Agricultural Sciences at University of Hohenheim. The title of her thesis was “Comparison of energetic and non-energetic paths for processing biological and green wastes”. In 2012 she became a member of the strategy group on bioeconomy of the state of Baden-Württemberg. Dr Rösch’s area of expertise is the sustainability assessment of bio-based resources and energy technologies as well as the evaluation of the transition of the German energy system. christine.roesch@kit.edu

Centre d'Etude et de Valorisation des Algues (CEVA), FRANCE
Scientific Director - R&D Technical Centre for Algae Applications
Dr Lerat has been the Scientific Director at Centre d'Etude et de Valorisation des Algues (CEVA) - ( Centre for algae study and valorisation) since 2010. From 2005 to 2010 he worked at CEVA as head of innovation and application development at the Technical Centre for Algae Application Development. Area of Expertise: Biotechnology, Microbiology, Product Development, Biofilms, Biofuels
Ghent University, BELGIUM
Postdoctoral researcher - Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Dr. Sofie Van Den Hende holds a masters degree in bio-engineering in plant production and a PhD in Applied Biological Sciences, both obtained at Ghent University. During her PhD ‘Microalgal bacterial flocs (MaB-flocs) for wastewater treatment: from concept to pilot scale’, she specialized in microalgal biotechnology and bioflocculation, and developed the innovative MaB-floc raceway pond from concept to pilot scale. This has included work on microalgae for environmental technology (bioremediation of wastewaters and flue gas, anaerobic digestion to biogas), and for production of aquaculture feed, organic fertilizer and pigments.
Swansea Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research
Professor - Biotechnology, Ecology, Marine Biology
Currently PI of EnAlgae Project, Professor Flynn has been the head of the research centre atSwansea’s Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research "CSAR"since 2000. He works on projects ranging from ocean acidification and harmful algal blooms, to commercial exploitation of algal growth and aquaculture. Area of Expertise: plankton modelling, plankton physiology, commercial algal production, ocean acidification
PML - Plymouth Marine Laboratory/Swansea University. UK
Associate Professor - Applied Aquatic Research
Dr. Llewellyn’s interests are in microalgae and cyanobacteria, how they function and how they can be used to help tackle society’s big challenges. These big challenges relate to climate change, human health, bioenergy, food-security, aquaculture, waste-water and industrial biotechnology. At Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), Carole led a number of projects funded by the UK-Research Councils and the Technology Strategy Board (now Innovate-UK) working with industry to develop sustainable chemicals from microalgae. She also became involved as a partner in the EnAlgae project. Since joining Swansea University as an Associate Professor in Applied Aquatic Research Carole has continued to progress applied research on algae and her involvement in delivering EnAlgae.
University of Applied Sciences of the Saarland, Saarbrücken, GERMANY
Senior scientist - Biotechnology, process and sensor development
Dr Ernst has worked for the University of Applied Sciences in Saarbrucken since January 2009. In 2007 she worked as a senjor scientist for the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology in Stuttgart. From 1999 to 2004 she worked as senior scientist in the Netherlands Institute for Estuarine and Marine Ecology. Area of Expertise: Microbiology, Bio-remediation, Cultivation of Algae, Microbiological Processes.